I. Server Setup
- Create deployer account on server
- Add user to sudo group
- Add ability to execute sudo without password
Add and save
- Add Public Key Authentication (On local machine)
- Disable password based ssh login
Update following lines
Restart sshd daemon
- Create dirs
II. Deploy config
- Install gems
- Configure deploy.rb
2.1 Configure Capfile
- Configure config/deploy/production.rb
- Configure server templates
4.1 deploy/templates/unicorn.rb.erb
4.2 deploy/templates/unicorn_init.rb
4.3 deploy/templates/nginx_conf.erb
- Deploy setup
5.1 Install RVM and ruby
5.2 Create gemset
Edit file lib/capistrano/tasks/create_gemset.rake
5.3 Create alias
5.4 Install Bundler
Edit file lib/capistrano/tasks/install_bundle.rake
5.5 Push config and env
5.6 Edit copied application.yml, database.yml and secrets.yml for on server
- Install nginx and postgres
- Create postgres user
- Deploy nginx and capistrano configuration
- Install requirements for ember
- Deploy
- Start